The UKIP MEP, family land, a windfarm application, a party denial and EU money

UPDATED BELOW:  An interesting story has been submitted by a reader, concerning a controversial planned wind farm development in Yorkshire that could call into question the position one of UKIP’s highest profile MEPs who is also a candidate in next year’s General Election.


The name of UKIP’s William Dartmouth MEP appears as an owner or tenant of land on a planning application that was submitted to Kirklees Council last year, to build three 100m wind turbines on unspoilt countryside next to Cupwith Reservior (location shown above) near Huddersfield, where the scheme applicant, Valley Wind Co-operative, is receiving funding for the project from the EU’s European Regional Development Fund.

What makes this matter curious is that William Dartmouth’s office has denied that he is directly or indirectly linked to the application site.

All of the the information about the proposed windfarm development was sent to Nigel Farage, and a member of Farage’s staff eventually responded stating that Dartmouth’s office had replied claiming he wasn’t linked directly or indirectly.  This is curious given this screenshot of the land ownership section of the planning application:

What also appears to put a question mark against Dartmouth’s denial, while giving the accuracy of the information above further weight, is a story from 2012 that demonstrates land ownership and three-way linkage between Dartmouth, Carter Jonas and Rosscroft Ltd (whose name appears at the top of the screenshot). The story concerned a planning application to drain Cupwith Reservior.  The applicant was Rosscroft Ltd, the agent was Carter Jonas LLP, and the owner of the reservoir is the Dartmouth Estate of one Earl of Dartmouth (aka William Dartmouth) – an assertion reported  by the Huddersfield Daily Examiner when reporting that Dartmouth’s appeal against the rejection of the application had also been lost.  There is no evidence the media have been asked to correct their assertion.

As if further evidence is required that where there is Rosscroft / Carter Jonas there seems to be Dartmouth, there is an entirely unrelated planning matter, where William Dartmouth was the named applicant for planning permission, with his chosen agent was Carter Jonas LLP.  The links are clear.


Given all this information, it seems that UKIP has accepted Dartmouth’s denial without checking the facts for themselves, calling into question yet again the party’s internal processes for dealing with complaints or reports of conflict of interest among its elected officials.

UPDATE:  We have been sent a copy of a letter that was sent to Nigel Farage personally, just after one of the recent debates with Nick Clegg, from an opponent of the wind farm.  It includes the following paragraph which suggests that William Legge (Legge being the family name of the Earl of Dartmouth) stands to gain in the region of £60,000 per annum if three wind turbines are erected on his land…

So I was delighted on your stance against wind turbines but have to point out the total hypocrisy of your MEP William Legge who is touting his land out for a wind farm as one of the above applications. This land is protected moorland and 300 meters away from a National Trust Bird sanctuary. It is estimated he will receive £20k ground rent per 100m turbine (there are 3 currently planned) – i.e. £60k per year. This is in total opposition to UKIP’s manifesto.  I cannot see how he can be a UKIP MEP and at the same time pursue this course of action in his private life.

It is worth noting that David Cameron’s father-in-law, Sir Reginald Sheffield is often referred to as an example of a land owning rent seeker, trousering an reported £350,000 a year for turbines on his land.  Is the only difference between the Sheffields and the Dartmouths a mere matter of scale?

In addition to wanting the UK to leave the EU, UKIP has a policy against onshore wind turbines.  So, having one of its senior MEPs set to benefit financially from money given in grants by the EU, for the installation on his land of three giant turbines – that the party’s policy formally opposes – would be a serious conflict of interest and a likely resigning matter.  Further, that UKIP does not seem to have diligently investigated the reports sent to them by concerned residents in the area of the planned windfarm that one of their senior MEPs had this conflict of interest, seems to be another failure of internal process. UKIP has questions to answer about that.

But for now, William Dartmouth has questions to answer.

Why is it that he appears to have been untruthful about his interest in the land where the turbines are planned?

As a clearly stated  owner or tenant of the land, as shown on the official planning applications, what does he stand to gain if the application is approved and Valley Wind Co-operative build the turbines?

I think we should be told.

UKIP have been contacted and asked if they wish to respond to this story.

10 Responses to “The UKIP MEP, family land, a windfarm application, a party denial and EU money”

  1. 1 wj (@wj557) 06/04/2014 at 11:48 am

    The problem I have with this is that Dartmouth is at the top of a closed list – we can’t vote for UKIP without voting for Dartmouth.

    I just feel for all those ordinary people who pound the streets for this cause whilst the leadership treats it like a bloody big piss-up.

  2. 2 fenbeagleblog 06/04/2014 at 3:54 pm

    I’ll be making much of this myself later, if it’s true.

  3. 3 Richard North 06/04/2014 at 5:11 pm

    The Certificate B is a statutory declaration made by the applicant to the effect that they have notified the owners (listed) of the land to which the application relates. De facto, therefore, (if not de jure) the Certificate B is a declaration of ownership.

  4. 4 Frazer Irwin FCD 07/04/2014 at 2:17 pm

    A lesson on how to skupper the ship/party with tons of pork pie. If UKIP really want folk to support them they had better give this whatever his name is a kick in the butt. We want a Party that has the guts to stick to it’s word not another load of old school ties.

  5. 5 jameshighamj 08/04/2014 at 11:20 am

    I suspect many UKIPers, not being professional cheats like Miller, will be caught out now.

  6. 6 Frazer Irwin FCD 08/04/2014 at 6:14 pm

    UKIP lost a chap because of his supposed misreferance to drums yet Nigel Farage is overlooking this blatent misuse of titles. I don’t have his address but if I did there would be a very heated letter heading his way from Yorkshire.

    Next time he’s having a pint in his local let someone remind him a chap from that village had the courage not to be swayed by others. Charles Darwin.

  7. 7 24/04/2014 at 1:43 am

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    needs to be available that in detail, thus that thing is maintained over here.

  1. 1 Is UKIP’s William Dartmouth MEP using an offshore company to conceal involvement in a wind turbine development? | Autonomous Mind Trackback on 07/04/2014 at 11:48 am
  2. 2 The Extreme Hypocricy of UKIP Policy & Their MEP William Earl of Dartmouth! « UKIP-vs-EUkip Trackback on 08/04/2014 at 1:51 am
  3. 3 Keeping it in the family, Dartmouth style | Autonomous Mind Trackback on 08/04/2014 at 8:55 pm
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